Monday, June 11, 2012

CUSD and CUTA Sign Tentative Agreement for 2012-13

CUTA agrees to 5 furlough days and compensation reduction of 2.71%; CUSD to save $1.32 million to balance the budget

After 17 bargaining sessions since December, Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and the Carlsbad Unified Teachers Association (CUTA) signed a Tentative Agreement on June 11 that includes the following adjustments for 2012-13:
·         3 Instructional furlough days on October 8, February 14, and May 24.
·         1 non-Instructional furlough day on August 24.
·         1 furlough day will be achieved through the elimination of the seven extended staff meetings described in Article 7.3.
·         A reduction of 2.71% in compensation.
·         The one-time Blue Shield “credit” is applied to the CUTA share of the projected deficit.   
·         Agreement to reopen negotiations within 10 days of the November election to review 2012-13 and begin bargaining for 2013-14.
·         Restoration language including review and adjustment periods in September 2012 and January 2013 and a “true up” adjustment in September 2013. 
·         Agreement to staff at 38.5 to 1 in grades 9-12.
·         Elementary prep time language changes for 2012-13.
·         CUTA pays 100% of presidential release.  Can release the president up to .6 Full-Time Equivalent  (FTE).
·         Placement on salary schedule for teachers that have completed a blended BA/Credential program equivalent to those that have completed credential program after BA degree.
·         Language on voluntary and involuntary transfers to Sage Creek High School.
·         Agreement to rescind all layoff notices other than those needed to achieve class size change in grades 9-12, the reduction to 4.0 FTE at Carlsbad Village Academy, the elimination of 1.0 FTE certificated librarian, and the elimination of a .4 FTE psychologist.
This agreement is reflective of the hard work of the bargaining teams involved in the process.  In addition, it is illustrative of the collective spirit of cooperation that makes Carlsbad Unified a great place for students.  This outcome also validates the value of ongoing conversation and open communication in the context of difficult decisions.  We thank CUTA and their leadership for engaging in this process and for sacrificing individual interests for the well-being of others.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CUSD/CUTA Bargaining Update

We held a brief bargaining session this afternoon.  CUTA presented their package proposal (#8) that included a request for additional "3D" days, change in the language regarding elementary prep time, teacher transfer language, and 5 student contact furlough days. 

In addition, areas of conceptual agreement remained in the proposal: combined BA/MA placement on the salary schedule, CUTA pays 100% of the presidential release time, and resinding layoff notices other than those needed based on board-approved reductions. 

CUTA also proposed reopening negotiations in November 2012 after Thanksgiving break.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for Friday, June 1st. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

CUSD/CUTA Bargaining Update

CUTA proposed an increase in "3D" days, elementary prep time contract language changes, transfer language for Sage Creek High School, combined BA/MA credits, 5 furlough days, CUTA pays 100% of presidential release time, reopening negotions in November, and "upon agreement to above items" rescind layoff notices other than those needed based on board-approved reductions.  In the CUTA proposal, they indicated interest in applying the remaining Blue Shield Credit to reduce the number of furlough days needed.

As a result, CUSD countered with the proposal below which illustrates the difference in furlough days if the Blue Shield credit was used for salaries. CUSD reiterated that this was the last, best, final offer. 

The next session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22nd. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

CUSD/CUTA Bargaining Update

CUSD presented the following package proposal to CUTA in bargaining today.  CUSD indicated that this was the last, best, final offer.  We are scheduled to meet again on Monday, May 14th. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Living Near Good Schools Will Cost an Extra $200k

Here is an interesting study posted on the CNN "Schools of Thought" blog ...

Living near good schools will cost an extra $200K

By Tami Luhby, CNNMoney
(CNNMoney) - Want to live in a good school district? It'll cost you an extra $200k.
Home values are $205,000 higher, on average, in neighborhoods with high-scoring public schools versus schools with low scores, according to a new report issued by the Brookings Institution.
Homes in high-scoring neighborhoods typically have 1.5 additional rooms, and 30% fewer are rented, the study found. Housing costs average $11,000 more per year in areas with better schools.
Some of the areas with largest differences in housing costs also have the widest gaps in school test scores. The Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk metro area in Connecticut, for instance, has both the widest gap in test scores between higher-income and lower-income neighborhood schools and the largest difference in housing costs, at $25,000.
Not surprisingly, income has an impact on test scores. The average low-income student attends a school that scores at the 42nd percentile on state exams, while the average middle/high-income student goes to schools that score at the 61st percentile.
Poor students have become more concentrated in schools with other poor students since 1998, Brookings found. The average low-income student attends a school where 64% of fellow students are low-income, though they represent only 48% of all U.S. public school students. The percentage of economically integrated schools is less than 7%.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

School Finances in California: Updates

Financially strained school districts on the rise

State School Chief Tom Torlakson: One student in three attends a school district in financial jeopardy

Here are a couple of excerpts from the California Department of Education Release:
The California Department of Education semiannually receives Interim Status Reports on the financial status of the state's 1,037 local educational agencies (LEA), comprised of school districts, county offices of education, and joint powers agencies. The certifications are classified as positive, qualified, or negative. The new report shows seven districts in negative certification and 120 as qualified.
The number of districts in qualified or negative status declined slightly from last June when the Second Interim Status Report for FY 2010-11 was issued, but overall remain at historic highs. As late as 2006-07, only 22 districts were in negative or qualified status at any time during the fiscal year. 
"The financial emergency facing our schools remains both wide and deep," Torlakson said. "The deep cuts made to school funding—and looming uncertainties about the future—are driving school districts to the brink of insolvency. Plain and simple, our schools need new revenues to get back on solid financial ground."